VHF Lo Band- Iether a side/rigged ball mounted 60-90 inch whip, or a roof/rig mounted 2-3 inch coil with a 36-40 inch whip.
VHF Hi Band- 2-3 inch coil with a 30-35 inch whip, or a 6-12 inch whip with no coil.
UHF- 35-40 inch whip with iether a 3 inch center coil, or a 3-5 inch enclosed center coil, or for roof mounted- 12-16 inch whip with a 2-4 inch enclosed coil, or an 5-6 inch whip. The dual band VHF/UHF usually have a 2-3 inch coil with a 30ish inch whip- the base coil is usually a much thicker one than the Hi Banders.
800/900- 12-14 inch whip with a 3 inch center coil, iether open piggy tail style, or enclosed, or a roof mounted 3 inch whip.
Those are the most common.... though there are specailly designed ants for different uses.... Also note that on some systems, there may not be mobile radios in usage, only HT's.