WSP District 2 ?


Feb 16, 2007
Lynnwood, WA
Finally had a chance to program my G5 to the new 700meg P25 PII system that District 2 is using. I programmed the Sno County site too and despite assigned talk groups I don't hear anything from them. They're still simulcasting on legacy VHF so I assume they haven't made the leap yet?

My main question is: Does anyone know the boundary lines for the patrol areas within King County? I've received traffic on "Seattle" "King North" and "King South". But I haven't listened enough to try and determine where each talk group is relevant. Seattle is fairly obvious.... but does that include part of the East Side as well?

A map would be awesome... but if anyone has some anecdotal info it would be greatly appreciated.



Premium Subscriber
Dec 24, 2007
Seattle WA
WSP District 2 is using its 700meg system as primary system in king County. WSP patches is patching on VHF 155.58 P25 PL20 King County North and the Justice Intergrated Network. D2 King North is the only talk group I ever picked up on Justice Integrated system. I think this is being done do reception issues in remote areas of King County. If you put the whole 700meg system on your scanner the King Simulcast site is used in King County. And cars from other districts may be heard well if a unite form oh say District 1 Pierce County or Snohomish County District 7 is logged in on the King Simulcast and likewise on other sites. The only other site I get in north Seattle is King Lake in Snohomish County, but the reception is weak in North Seattle. WSP District Snohomish County is not yet Trucking yet as far as I Know. When Snohomish County cuts over to its new SNO911 P25 Phase 2 system, which should happen any day now, things may change, it's possible WSP may get some talk groups on that system aka District 1 Tacoma and Pierce County. I have heard rumors that king County PERSN is going to do this way as well, sometime down the road.
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Oct 18, 2021
I don't have a map handy but Seattle & North King are patched to each other and cover King-Snohomish County line to I-90 (including I-90 East and West). South King covers areas south of I-90 to King-Pierce County line.

District 7, to my knowledge, has pretty much never been patched to 700MHz and likely will not be anytime soon. Take that with a grain of salt, though - I'm no insider.


Whacker Extraordinaire
Jul 18, 2016
Nowhere in WA
It's likely Snohomish WSP troopers don't have a 700 meg radio, but I haven't confirmed this. There are D7 talkgroups on the WSP700 system and they show up mostly on IWN. I've copied 59709 on Sites 144 and 178. I suspect Site 143 would have that traffic as well.

Monitor the WSP700 in King County and WSP VHF channels outside of there. That's likely your best monitoring option.


Feb 16, 2007
Lynnwood, WA
Thanks guys!

Yup, I totally understand trunked systems Ana affiliation and do hear Snohomish county on VHF... but I thought since D7 had been assigned talk groups... that they had also migrated to the state's 700 system and were simply still simulcasting on VHF.

I haven't even touched the JWIN system since I hear what I want to on other systems. I should play there simply out of curiosity...

I just can't believe how fractured one agency is. They've picked and parceled amongst so many different systems it's mind boggling.

I have multiple radios at both the home QTH and mobile so I can hear it all... it would be very nice if they'd all jump on the same 700 system. I would like to assume that's the eventual plan. But with this mess, it may not be a correct assumption.

Thanks again!