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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XPR XPR 6550 codplug question

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Mar 5, 2018
Hey all,
I picked up a 6550 pretty cheap, and now I'm starting to find out why, I think. For those of you who have been doing this longer than me, maybe someone can offer some advice or a solution.
When I went to read the radio in CPS it asked me for the codeplug password - well strike 1, the radio didn't come with one.
I tried doing a workaround using Tuner and grabbing the radios information, and then trying to recover in CPS - that ended up with a 'no matching packages' error.

With the info from the Tuner file it should be easy enough to program a new codeplug to just write over the existing one, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to change any of the device information in CPS, and have never needed to before.
thank you in advance


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2009
Midlothian, VA
Tuner isn't used to perform a recovery, regular CPS along with a properly installed firmware package is. Each firmware package is an executable file you install on its own. It can be the same level that's already in the radio or something newer. A full recovery should overwrite the current contents and give you a "factory fresh" codeplug.

That being said, the tuning values should be unaffected but it's not a bad idea to save them ahead of time, just in case. I've performed many recoveries and haven't had anything go out of alignment before.
Mar 5, 2018
I appreciate the help - I have the firmware updates for R02, but this being a 6550 I'm trying to find the last update MOL produced for it, 1.12.17. Once I can find that, I'm hoping to get this thing up and running again. I appreciate the help, the radio is currently running R01.09.00, so it has been sitting for awhile. I tried ham files, but surprisingly couldn't find a link for it.


Oct 23, 2017
If you can find a codeplug with similar parameters as the radio (model num, tanpa, etc) and write it to the radio, it should take.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
The radio will have a codeplug whether it is empty or not. The password would suggest one left over from the last programming, and that will be useless to you anyway.
You would do better with a new, empty codeplug and build up what YOU need.
These empties can be downloaded from MOL, you will need the one specific for your radio configuration.
My radio came with R01.12.17 so don't know the workings of upgrading. I have documentation though.
That is still available on MOL Resource Center.
You should have no need for 'Tuner' at all unless the radio is out of specs.
I think the cheap issue is these are limited to MotoTrbo, CAP+ and DMR.
The 450 to 512 model won't do ham radio

For the heck of it, here is my radio info and see if an empty CP will attach:


  • Screenshot (205).png
    Screenshot (205).png
    111.4 KB · Views: 25
  • EMPTY1.zip
    23.4 KB · Views: 20
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Mar 5, 2018
Thank you everyone for the help and advice, was able to get it all working with some trial and error and some assistance!
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