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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL5000 Dual Band Radio

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Dec 29, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I have a UHF XTL5000 radio with the O5 control head and I would like to add VHF. Has anyone ever done this? Can anyone explain the process? Where in the software do you make the configuration changes? Any help is greatly appreciated.



Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2009
Midlothian, VA
The only dual XTL5000, single head setup I've heard of used a W3 CH, not the O5 or any other head. Someone else would have to provide the details but it seems like it might be easier to buy an APX7500 and have both bands in one radio.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
You're not going to turn a UHF XTL into a VHF through any kind of software changes. There are substantial hardware changes required. If you want dual-band, the only Motorola mobile currently offering this is the APX7500 as KG4INW mentioned above.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
I might be wrong but he's asking about adding a second rf deck to his existing setup.

As has been previously stated, the only control head it works with is the W3.


Dec 29, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Dual Decks

Yes you are right I am speaking of dual RF decks. I have seen a DEA VHF and UHF XTL500 systems and I would have to beleive if it can be done using an 03 control head then it can be done with the 05. The reason I am trying to stay XTL is I have the UHF RF deck and the 05 head I also know I can find a VHF deck for less than $600 so it would be cheaper for me to go this way.

Thanks for any help.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 17, 2008
Yes you are right I am speaking of dual RF decks. I have seen a DEA VHF and UHF XTL500 systems and I would have to beleive if it can be done using an 03 control head then it can be done with the 05. The reason I am trying to stay XTL is I have the UHF RF deck and the 05 head I also know I can find a VHF deck for less than $600 so it would be cheaper for me to go this way.

Thanks for any help.

Re-read the thread - it can be done with a W3, not an O3.


Aug 23, 2002
Here is the quick skinny on Motorola dual radio setups (as I have owned them):

-Motorola Syntor X9000 - Works with the HHCH or the Systems9000 (A9 style) head

-Motorola Spectra using the HHCH with an interface box

-Motorola ASTRO Spectra using the HHCH and the interface box

-Motorola ASTRO Spectra using the W7 or W9 head in the HHR option, second radio is RX only

-Motorola XTL5000 in the W3 setup WITH the correct flashport option. This is/was a time of order option and field upgrades were not offered.

-Motorola XTL5000 was planned for dual radio with the orginal O9 head, but was scuttled due to an engineering snafu and the APX was in the design phase

All the above require TWO radios. The APX radio is the only current true dual band out there, and can use the O2, O3, O5, O7 and O9 heads. The O3 head for the XTL and the APX is the SAME head, so by looking at the head, the only way to tell which radio its connected to is the color of the softkeys.

I do have it on good authority that a federal agency did have dual radio W7 or W9 ASTRO Spectra's, but wasn't able to comment further. I cannot devluge on how I know, but its confirmed.

There is a reference for the HHR setup for the XTL series, but I've never seen the full setup unlike the ASTRO Spectra.

Out of all of those, the ASTRO Spectra was the only radio line that did not require special firmware or software to work, just really expensive cables and being able to order the parts. In the non-hacked factory ordered radios, both the ASTRO Spectra and XTL's used slightly modified boards to compensate for electrical draw, and some antenna connection options.


Aug 23, 2002
A3 (HHCH) and W3 IIRC. Give me a few minutes and I'll check my paperwork.


Aug 23, 2002
Right now I can't find it the postive proof that everyone wants, so I'll stick with HHCH for the ASTRO Spectra at the moment. The W3 is valid for the XTL though.
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