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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTS2500 "AN" vs."BN" Radios

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Nov 4, 2005
Seems to lots of confusion on XTS2500 AN and BN radios. AN and BN has NOTHING to do with case style. If the model number ends in "AN", then the flashrom size is 4 megs. If the model number ends in "BN" then the flashrom size is 8 megs.

H46QDH9PW7AN = 4 meg flashrom
H46QDH9PW7BN = 8 meg flashrom

Both "AN" and "BN" radios are available in two types.
1) Non-Intrinsically safe, which is called the XTS2500 (Round rubber PTT button)
2) Intrinsically safe, which is called the XTS2500i (Rectangle plastic PTT button)

"AN" XTS2500's are more limited in current features/functions. These radios, due to their 4 meg flashrom size limitation can only be upgraded to Host Firmware R09.XX.XX.

"BN" XTS2500's can be upgraded to the latest and greatest Host Firmware, which contains new features/functions that an "AN" radio can not have. "BN" XTS2500 are the desired radio to own, simply because of the 8 meg flashrom. Especially if it's a 700/800Mhz radio.

Both "AN" and "BN radios can have the most current DSP Firmware though.

The above information also pertains to the XTS1500, MT1500, PR1500 and the SSE5000 as well.


Jun 23, 2007
Actually, I'm pretty sure there is a case difference between AN and BN models (they both have the option to be "i" models)... have you ever tried to put a BN housing on an AN radio? Not gonna happen unless you have a dremel tool handy. I've also seen BN non-IS radios with the newer "square" style housing (as an example, here's a non-IS 2500 M1.5 on eBay MOTOROLA XTS2500 VHF RADIO MODEL: AAH46KDD9PW5BN NEW - eBay (item 190499778279 end time Mar-09-11 18:20:25 PST) ) - the channel selector knob style also seems to have changed sometime during the release of the BN model; although many early BN radios still carry the AN style channel selector (common on "panter" radios)


Nov 4, 2005
Again AN and BN refers to flashrom memory size, not case style.

Intrinsically safe (XTS2500i) radios use a different metal plate then the non-intrinsically safe (XTS2500) radios. Thats why you have to dremel off the little tabs.

For the past few years, all the XTS2500's we ordered new contained both big and small channel selector. The radios came with the big channel selector attached, but had the smaller knob in the box. The smaller skinny knob came from firefighters complaining about changing channels with gloves on. So new radios come with both knobs.

Panter radios, many are life excellerated radios or ESD test radios. The last few XTS2500 cases I seen that came from panter all looked 100% brand new, but remove its speaker and there was a pile of tan/brown dust on the speaker cone. All panter radios i've seen had at least one thing wrong them. Problems I've seen from panter radios are: blown speaker, wrong LCD display, USB / Serial communications would not work (one or the other), speaker mics would not work, plastic tabs broken off the flex assembly, RF/vocons that looked like they were in acid. All I'm trying to say here is don't base your moto knowledge from what panter sells - most of his radios are pieced together (kinda like Nick Deluca's radios, but at least Nick would use new parts).

Per Flashport upgrade instructions:

For this release, the radios will be upgraded to version R15.00.08 for the host, R15.00.05 for the DSP, and R05.07.12 for the UCM (if applicable) EXCEPT for SSE 5000 radios, ASTRO Spectra Plus radios and XTS 2500, XTS 1500, MT 1500 and PR 1500 radios which model numbers end with ‘AN’. These radios will be upgraded to version R09.00.28 for the host, R15.00.05 for the DSP, and R05.07.12 for the UCM (if applicable)*.Please note going forward, any R09.xx.yy version will only contain defect fixes, no new radio functionality will be added in these releases.
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Sep 11, 2002
I have seen several panter radios. What XTS3000 says is true. in many cases you dont even know what the radio was (featureset etc) before it was sasembled. Many radios from panet work fine but unfortunatly lots have trouble.

The BN type units are the way to go. As mentioned the additional memory allows room for future features to be written should they ever be designed. With all M products do your research first but if in doubt always select the largest capacity. If you dont tneed it it wont matter but if you do and dont have it your stuck.


Jan 27, 2006
Melbourne VK
I bought a Panter XTS2500i late last year.
It is a VHF model with FPP.
So far so good. It performs fine, good receive on both analog and digital and good on transmit too.

Given the price I paid, I knew it would be a risky purchase.
Read plenty of good feedback regarding Panter radios on Batlabs which helped me make the decision.

It will not be getting pulled apart unless absolutely necessary, ie: total failure.

Thanks for posting the info regarding AN and BN radios.



P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
Whats the fifth letter of the serial number on some of your panter radios? I heard that some came from a factory mishap back around 2005 along with the usual accelerated life ones


Apr 4, 2011
XTS2500 from Panter

I received an XTS2500 VHF split portable from Panter last week, I paid $380. It seems to tx/rx well and it is cosmetically fine. The only problem is that the LCD display seems to jump around and scroll whilst the radio is transmitting!!
I emailed Panter about this problem. He said that I had to open the radio and check for a bad contact of the display. I'm not sure if I want to open the radio up so soon!! Other than that I'm happy with the radio.


Sep 11, 2002
the display is a compression fit. just gently pry the bottom of the radio up from the housing (1/8 in or so) then reseat it and the problem should clear.


Ordinary Subscriber
Aug 13, 2005
I received an XTS2500 VHF split portable from Panter last week, I paid $380. It seems to tx/rx well and it is cosmetically fine. The only problem is that the LCD display seems to jump around and scroll whilst the radio is transmitting!!
I emailed Panter about this problem. He said that I had to open the radio and check for a bad contact of the display. I'm not sure if I want to open the radio up so soon!! Other than that I'm happy with the radio.

You might want to ask about this on batboards...If I remember correctly some one on there had the same problem..apparently the 700/800 mhz models use a different display then the VHF/UHF ones. He had a VHF one and it had the 700/800 mhz model display in it causing it to jump around, he replaced the display and it cured the problem. But again ask your question on batboards.


FAIL 01/93
Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2004
New York, NY
Whats the fifth letter of the serial number on some of your panter radios? I heard that some came from a factory mishap back around 2005 along with the usual accelerated life ones

These are probably the 407CFN**** radios you see him selling. Jul 05. I've seen 2 of these particular radios, they are the "whore" flash. However, disassemble them and the actual radio bits have received some damage (the metal shielding is beat to hell).
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Jan 27, 2006
Melbourne VK
Mine is a 407CGHB***.
VHF model.

DSP ver 12.00.04
Host ver 12.00.13
Proc Bravo122

Purchased from Panter88 late last year.

So far...no issues.
Digital RX is nice and clear.
TX is fine also on 2m ham band.

Very reluctant to pull it apart unless there is a reason to have to do it.



Ordinary Subscriber
Aug 13, 2005
I've been spectacle about buy a 2500 from him yeah 380 is a good price for a 2500 but I'm not going to spend that much on something that doesn't come with at least a battery or antenna..


Mar 11, 2003
Rumor has it. There was a sprinkler that got knocked off. It flooded a motorola warehouse. The XTS's that were there got wet in the boxes. This is before they were issued serial # and flashed with options.The insuance company bought off the radios and then sold them for scrap or salvage. Panter bought the lot and has been selling them since.

Now if thats true.. who knows. There used to be a guy named Nick DeLuca who used to build the radios from parts and sell them on Ebay.. Thats another story for another day.


Mar 1, 2003
That would explain the 123ABC1234 radios, but what about the no tag radios that have legit sounding #'s that panter sells. What was their story? GARY N4KVE


Jul 10, 2006
Mont Vernon, NH
Nobody really knows the story. People have been talking about the warehouse fire and damaged radios from the sprinkler system and such for years. Bottom line: You pay your money, you take your chance. It's eBay and the seller is in China.

FWIW, I've had a Panter88 xts-2500 for a couple of years that works perfectly and benched great on an aeroflex 2975:

4.5 watts output power
analog rx 20db quieting at .35 uV
astro BER <1.5% at .35 uV ( Spec is <5% at .5uV so thats pretty good)
Astro Tx BER is <.5%

So, you know... some of the radios work and some probably don't.

If I wanted a radio that was guaranteed to work perfectly and that I could stake my life on, I'd buy it new from a dealer. Of course, XTS-2500 model 2's cost more than $2800 new (on contract, even buying more than 1,000 radios). For a hobby radio, I figured I'd pay the dude $400 and take my chances, you know?

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