If the batteries are 2 years or more old, and non-Impress and not a Lithium-Ion, and haven't been exercised/conditioned, more than likely your batteries are done. You should have been exercising the non-Impress Ni-Mh batteries in an exerciser/conditioner at least every 30 days and not more than every 90 days. And Impress Charger will not reset or exercise/conditioned a non-Impress battery.
If you have a battery conditioner put the battery on the conditioner and analyze the battery to determine what is the remaining effective capacity is. If you're a Public Safety Agency, you should not use the battery with less than 80% and not less than 70% for a non-Public Safety activity.
If you are unable to analyze the battery, I would try a known good or a brand new battery and see if the problem is with the radio.
If you determine that the battery is the problem, Power Products makes a good replacement Impress battery for the XTS series and the batteries will run about $96 each.
Hopefully, your Impress Charger has the display to tell you the health of your Impress batteries.