Yaesu: Yaesu FTM400 - Wires-X - PND in HRI Mode - Audio Sound calibration

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CFO (Chief Fix-It Officer)
Dec 17, 2005
Auburn, CA
I hope I have the correct forum for this question. I was previously using a HRI-200 connected to an FMT400 for wires-x. It worked great except for the requirement to open ports on the router. My existing ISP and my soon to be installed Starlink Internet do not open the ports or have a public IP. So, this forced me to explore the PDN modes.

I have everything connected, purchased the SCU-40 kit which seems to be a waste because it includes another SCU-20 and the audio cable. I could not see the Audio cable for sale on its own.

Anyways, on page 57 and 58 of the Wires-X PDN setup, it tells you to use the built in Audio calibration tool. Its got a nice graph to set levels, which are done on the Windows Sound settings. When I generate sound in Direct or Access Point mode, using DTMF #1 as source or voice, I do not get any signal shown on the graph.

I check the graphics input using the sound mixer and I see the audio represented when I talk or send a DTMF tone. I get audio both in Direct and Access Point mode when I join a room but I have not done a test call yet. Seems like the graphic audio calibration tool is not working or not seeing my sound cards.

My Setup has THREE audio devices - 1) Built in laptop Audio, 2) Rigblaster Advantage for Digital modes and 3) a new USB Soundblaster plug in. I have the FTM Audio connected to the SoundBlaster card, wanting it to be independent from the system audio.

So, does anyone have any advice before I start calling for a radio check?



CFO (Chief Fix-It Officer)
Dec 17, 2005
Auburn, CA
A follow-up - I did a couple of test calls in Access Point mode and Direct and got great audio reports. Therefore, I'll move on but it would be nice to know why the test procedure in the Yaesu Wires-X manual does not work for me. I suspect but don't know, its not smart enough to look at multiple sound cards or only the Windows Default.
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