Yagi information question


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2009
I have a couple questions I am looking for advice on.

I currently have a 800mhz dpdproductions vertical omnidirectional antenna that works pretty good, but, I live in an area that's got a mesa is quite high and causes issues.

I've been told what signal I'm receiving sounds like it's from refraction/propagation, which does work out in my favor it seems for the most part. I've tried reading on amplifiers and talking to others and it seems like an amplifier wouldn't probably be nothing more than causing issues and not helping get better signal received.

I was told to try a Yagi. Problem is, I've seen and heard many conflictions when it comes to yagi antennas, and know absolutely zero about them. I have a site to the west and one to the east I monitor. My understanding is I would need to have 2 yagis to point at each site, not just 1 yagi. I've been told I could point one at one site, and not the other, and do just fine receiving from both sites. I'm not sure that sounds correct from what I've read, but am unsure and looking for clarification.

Next question, I'm looking for recommendations on the best yagi for 800mhz that will provide the best performance in pulling the signal in for my sds200. So, looking for anyone who can recommend the best in those aspects.

*For reference, I would need to be at 53' height on my antenna mast to have line of sight to the site I want to point the yagi at. This is impossible to be that high and am currently around 18'-20'. I do plan on adding more height, nowhere near 53', but would like to get recommendations on a yagi to pull that signal in better at where I'm currently at or a little higher and get the best signal pulled in overall.
