Theses maybe old and out of date:
Group 1 - Primary
Mobile Rx Tx CTCSS
Channel 1 166.375 166.375 cs North area simplex
Channel 2 166.375 166.975 cs North area repeater
Channel 3 165.5875 165.5875 cs South areas simplex
Channel 4 165.5875 164.800 cs South areas repeater
Channel 5 167.150 167.150 cs Special (Scene of Action)
Channel 6 167.150 163.125 cs SOA Repeater
Channel 7 166.875 166.875 136.5 West Simplex
Channel 8 166.875 169.400 136.5 Fire Hole Repeater
Channel 9 166.875 169.400 123.0 West Repeater (136.5 Out)
Channel 10 172.500 172.500 CS Fire Cache
Channel 11 171.675 171.675 CS Grand Teton Ch 1
Channel 12 171.675 172.425 CS Grand Teton Ch 2
Channel 13 164.825 164.125 167.9 Gallatin National Forest
Channel 14 168.350 168.350 CS Common
166.375 167.025? ?Listed as W Yellowstone DOI'95
168.650 168.650 cs Air Net
and also a link to lighting leos website for yellowstone:
Lightning Leo's Yellowstone National Park Frequency Guide