I spend a lot of time every summer in Yellowstone. Here is my list which is based on Chris Rodgers list with some corrections and additions. These are all verified.
1 166.375 North System; Mammoth, Norris, Tower/Roosevelt (simplex)
2 166.975 North System (repeater input)
3 165.5875 South System; Lake Village, Bridge Bay, Grant Village, Lewis Lake (simplex)
4 164.800 South System (repeater input)
5 167.150 Scene of Action (SOA) (simplex) Sometimes used as car to car.
6 163.125 SOA (repeater input)
7 166.875 West System; Madision, Firehole, Old Faithful.
153.905 "Gold" This is used now and then by Lake and Grant Rangers as a car to car chat freq. It is also common with West Yellowstone Montana PD who also call it "Gold", some interesting stuff goes on here.
172.500 Fire Cache (formerly Air Net freq)
168.650 Flight Following/Air Net
155.280 EMS 1 (Ambulance to Mammoth and Lake Clinics)
462.450 Lake Clinic
463.450 Multi-Use (YPSS tow trucks, etc)
152.420 Xanterra Stores & Campground Ops (store and campground employees)
There is a new NOAA Weather transmitter at Grant Village, I think it's on WX-1 162.400
Marine Ch's 16, 18 and 68 are always busy with fishing charter boats, Lake Queen tour boat, Bridge Bay Marina, etc. If you want to know where the fish are biting on Yellowstone Lake, listen to Ch 18.
146.520 Ham radio simplex. One of the fire outlooks on Mt Holmes monitors this freq. His name is George, callsign WA7GSN. He loves to chat so give him a call if you're a ham.
Grand Teton NP
1 171.675 (simplex)
2 172.425 (repeater input)
Hope to see you there this summer!
I monitor 146.520 and 446.000 Simplex from Grant Village