Your favorite scanning experience.

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 12, 2021
Washington State
Many of us have had interesting experiences when using our scanners, so share your favorite! I'll start it off...

Back in the mid 1990's there was a quirky TV show called "Northern Exposure" that my wife liked. We were also on a pre-Internet service at the time called Prodigy that allowed her to hook up with other fans of the show. Well, as it happens insiders tend to share things like filming dates, so off we trekked to Roslyn, Washington. I of course took my other traveling companion along with me too, my trusty Bearcat 200XLT.

When we arrived on the scene, I naturally started scanning frequencies and found the actors "body mic" frequency. Oh boy, did I learn that one of those actors had potty mouth. I also found that actors get easily spooked when they find out that you are listening in when they are filming their lines. They make you keep well away from the cast, especially during filing. Anyway, I was about 1/4 block away watching them do their thing, when some other fans heard my scanner and all started gathering around to listen to what was going down. One of the actors deduced what was going on from seeing the crowd and sent a producer over to talk to me, who presented his card and politely asked me to turn off my radio as it was distracting the actors. Really? They could not even possibly hear it that far away! I said, "Sure." After he left I plugged in my earphone and continued to listen.

During their lunch break it was very interesting, they never turned off their microphones, so I got to learn about one actors "effed up knees" and his first gig doing a car wax commercial where he had to change into a tux in a filthy roadside gas station restroom... he was paranoid he'd ruin the shoot by getting the tux dirty. Oh and one of the actresses, from the stories she told, was a little "loose" if you get my drift.

Well, that was my most memorable scanner experience. What's yours?


Dec 22, 2013
Some very conspiratorial stuff heard during first Gulf war on 1.5 GHz downlink from Inmarsat. Who would think the Brits would be making up blatant lies to be published about Saddam Hussein?
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