Scanner FAQs

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
We have quite a number of FAQs in our wiki now - and more to the point, we have 4 such FAQs set up for the newest generation of scanners. These FAQs are centered around questions that keep on coming up time and again, or have answers that are otherwise hard to locate.

While I've done the work in organizing a lot of this, the details comes from you If you have a topic that isn't covered, or you have found an answer to a question not documented anywhere, please consider adding it to the FAQs. We have one each for the DMA, keyboard driven, GRE/RS PC driven and Home Patrol scanners as listed below.

Uniden DMA FAQ - The RadioReference Wiki

GRE/RS Object Oriented Scanners FAQ - The RadioReference Wiki

GRE/RS PC Object Oriented FAQ - The RadioReference Wiki

Uniden Home Patrol FAQ - The RadioReference Wiki

If you're unsure as to how to add something, please ask me, Bob W9RXR or bezking. And remember, the devil is in the details. The more detail you add, the clearer the answer sometimes becomes.

best regards..Mike
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