Categories used in the wiki

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A wiki category is a high-level index for articles that cover a particular topic. This is maintained by the Mediawiki software - if you place a category command in an article. the software will automatically add it to the category list; similarly, if you remove a category then the opposite is true. We have numerous categories, used for everything from radios to RID/UIDs and hundreds of other topics.

I've seen a few instances where data was dumped in the middle of the category description simply because the user didn't know where to put it. This is not acceptable. The category description is exactly that - a description of what the category is used for, and (in many cases, particularly in the geographic areas) how it should be addressed.

If you have some data for the wiki, and you are not sure where to put it, feel free to ask a question here and someone will find a home for it. Please don't modify the descriptions without looking at what you are modifying

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