from north east wisconsin
11:03am cdt
32.85 mil tanks
40.53 snotel data
42.56 spanish
more to come today im shure
11:50am cdt
42.38 nchp
42.42 thp
42.56 nchp
39.90 ne fire tones wx
39.98 green co,sc ems rept or patched
39.48 police va??
12:00pm cdt
42.62 nchp
46.38 fire rept
39.72 police rept units on job st
42.62 42.82 42.86 nhcp
12:30pm cdt
39.xx lots of maryland state police cars too.46.14 green co ny fd,
39.18 kec202 id
42.10 wvsp shinston
42.xx nchp still comming in
45.00 fishing boats??? talking about catching cod
11:03am cdt
32.85 mil tanks
40.53 snotel data
42.56 spanish
more to come today im shure
11:50am cdt
42.38 nchp
42.42 thp
42.56 nchp
39.90 ne fire tones wx
39.98 green co,sc ems rept or patched
39.48 police va??
12:00pm cdt
42.62 nchp
46.38 fire rept
39.72 police rept units on job st
42.62 42.82 42.86 nhcp
12:30pm cdt
39.xx lots of maryland state police cars too.46.14 green co ny fd,
39.18 kec202 id
42.10 wvsp shinston
42.xx nchp still comming in
45.00 fishing boats??? talking about catching cod
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