1 suspect killed after L.A. officers are fired upon by AK47 (SR2/San Fernando Rd)

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Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA
123.025 media helos
484.8375 LAPD Northeast
484.4625 LAPD Citywide Tac 4
506.8375 LAPD Swat
484.5875 LAPD Swat 2
506.7750 LAPD Swat 3

Los Angeles police shot and killed one man and wounded another after a wild incident in northeast Los Angeles that began when one of the suspects jumped out of a car stopped for a traffic violation and began firing on officers with an AK47 rifle, authorities said.

Two suspects remain at large. One is believed to be barricaded inside an apartment building in a neighborhood now surrounded by police. A fourth suspect apparently fled the area in a vehicle, officials said.

The incident began shortly after noon when officers attempted to make a traffic stop near Drew Street and Estara Avenue, police said.

"One of the suspects opened fire on the officers with an AK47," said Cmdr. Andrew Smith, supervisor of the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Bureau that includes the area where the incident occurred.

Officers returned fire, killing one man and wounding another in a neighborhood densely packed with apartments, small homes and businesses. No officers were injured in the attack, police said. Within minutes, a massive police presence had descended on the area and Los Angeles SWAT officers were in position by 1 p.m., authorities said. The location is only a few blocks from the LAPD's Northeast Station on San Fernando Road
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Dec 23, 2006
I was listening to some of this on my scanner. The whole incident is very unfortunate but interesting scanner listening, especially SWAT.


Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA
I think some unmarked units got the drop on the suspects...might have been SIS, as their frequency was very active during this incident.

check this out

The violence began around noon when a 37-year-old man police described as a bystander was shot more than a dozen times by suspected gang members as he held the hand of a 2-year-old girl. He later died. The toddler, apparently picked up by a passerby and carried to safety, was not wounded. As the gunmen drove off, witnesses told police, several pedestrians who apparently knew the victim opened fire on the car.
Minutes later, police attempted to stop suspects driving in a white Nissan sedan about 10 blocks away. Three men jumped out of the car, and at least two of them fired weapons at officers.

A man wielding an AK-47 rifle was killed by police as they returned fire, authorities said.


Can anyone tell me if these guys are a METRO DIVISION PLATOON. I see them all the time in their Desert Camo around Northeast Division....but they are dressed differently than the SWAT callout team
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