Thanks for the 10-code list! Some interesting ones in there...such as livestock on highway? Don't see that back east, suppose it comes with the territory! I also notice that a lot of agencies tend to explain EVERYTHING over the radio and don’t always use a lot of codes...back east we would use a lot of 10-21 (Calls to HQ or personnel) simply to reduce radio traffic due to the higher volume (in the big cities - was in New Jersey in the New York Metro Area) If you listen to the live feeds I encourage you to listen to Northern New Jersey Feeds just to hear the comm differences between the regions (I find it interesting at least...maybe I'm just odd)
Also looks like I may soon need to update my equipment, antennas at least (due to the differences in terrain, and most of my previous monitoring was with UHF and massive trunk tracking systems) Any suggestions?
I will for now just have to listen more closely then I am used to...and any more information would be helpful!! Thanks Again.
Operator: 290
PS: Anyone know of agencies in the Portage, Marathon, Wood, and Waupaca county area's hiring for comm officers/dispatchers? I check the job boards but maybe someone has some insider info? Working in sales right now to pay the bills but want to get back into the game!