I was driving delivery truck from 1986 to 1992 when I lived in Rochester, NY.
I forgot which year this DX occured (between 1988 and 1990), but one day I was driving to the Southern Tier, just above the PA state line. I couldn't receive a single local FM station to save my life. Due to a solar flare, I was receiving FM stations from Nebraska like gangbusters. I even listened to a PA listener call one of the Nebraska DJ's to say that he was receiving that station.
That evening I watched the 11PM weather on WOKR 13, and the weatherman said that there were no noticeable effects from the solar flare. I spent 20 minutes redialing the station and couldn't get through. I can't imagine why! LOL
I don't remember the model #, but I was using a Realistic 12 watt per channel AM stereo / FM stereo / cassette in-dash with the stock AM/FM antenna
73 and Great DX to everyone,
Clearwater, FL