Yea..Art is the Man!!
Ran into him few times over the years, even when he was a "cable tv head-end guy"
and "there'ain't nobody quite like him"!
But on the other hand..I do check out "Coast" now and then..some of the old favorite "out there"
guests, and it's better than nothin, kinda sorta. Art did set a very high standard for sure.The very best ever for my money!
Did find out first hand in radio, that whenever someone quits, gets fired,( which is a very common occurance) or even changes shifts, listeners have a hard time accepting the change, even if it's a good change. But I did go through withdwawel every time Art retired!! Even From Manila, I love to hear him say
...I'm Art Bell..and this is Coast to Coast AM !!"
You think no Art on" Coast to Coast" feels weird..ya oughta drive by his old place in Pahrump.
Feels kinda like driving past a morgue!! . Sorry to ramble...and as Art sez.."keep lookin' up!"