123.525 - Nashville

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Nov 3, 2004
I have a question im listen to my Icom Ic-91ad d-star digital handheld im listen'ing to heavy traffic on the 123.525 frequency which is am mode where im hearing what they're saying the best i've tried fm, nfm and am. Right now one of the guy's are saying there 180 out


Dec 19, 2002
118.000 - 121.400 Air Traffic Control
121.425 - 121.475 Band Protection for 121.5
121.500 Emergency Search and Rescue (VHF Guard) (ELT Operational Check, 5 Sec)
121.525 - 121.575 Band Protection for 121.5
121.600 - 121.925 Airport Utility and ELT Test
121.950 Aviation Instructional and Support
121.975 FSS Private Aircraft Advisory
122.000 - 122.050 En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS)
122.075 - 122.675 FSS Private Aircraft Advisory
122.700 - 122.725 UNICOM - Uncontrolled Airport and Aeronautical Utility
122.750 Aircraft Air-to-Air / Also Formation Flights and Training
122.775 Aviational Instruction and Support
122.800 UNICOM - Uncontrolled Airport
122.825 Domestic VHF
122.850 Multicom - Special Use and Aviation Support on Non Interference
122.875 Domestic VHF
122.900 Multicom
122.925 Multicom - Natural Resources
122.950 Unicom - Airport with full time ATCT or full time FSS
122.975 - 123.000 Unicom - Uncontrolled Airport
123.025 Helicopter Air-to-Air
123.050 - 123.075 Unicom - Uncontrolled Airport
123.100 Aeronautical Search and Rescue, also Temporary Control Tower on
123.125 - 123.275 Flight Test Stations
123.300 Aviation Support
123.325 - 123.475 Flight Test Stations
123.450 Air to Air (Unofficial)
123.500 Aviation Support
123.525 - 123.575 Flight Test Stations
123.600 - 123.650 FSS Air Carrier Advisory
123.675 - 128.800 Air Traffic Control
126.200 Air Traffic Control (Military Common)
128.825 - 132.000 Domestic VHF (Operational Control)
132.025 - 135.825 Air Traffic Control
134.100 Air Traffic Control (Military Common)
135.850 Flight Inspection Use
135.875 - 135.925 Air Traffic Control
135.950 Flight Inspection Use
135.975 - 136.075 Air Traffic Control
136.100 Future Use UNICOM or AWOS
136.125 - 136.175 Air Traffic Control
136.200 Future Use UNICOM or AWOS
136.225 - 136.250 Air Traffic Control
136.275 Future Use UNICOM or AWOS
136.300 - 136.350 Air Traffic Control
136.375 Future Use UNICOM or AWOS
136.400 - 136.450 Air Traffic Control
136.475 Future Use UNICOM or AWOS
136.500 - 136.975 Domestic VHF (Operational Control and Special Purpose)
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