Visiting my daughter and trying to monitor marine band when 157.750 kept locking in with a signal that reminds me of a beacon with a code identifier. Anyone know what and where it is?
Visiting my daughter and trying to monitor marine band when 157.750 kept locking in with a signal that reminds me of a beacon with a code identifier. Anyone know what and where it is?
Ok, makes sense. Thank you. Unfortunately I can't lock it out. I'm using the pre-programmed channels on a Yaesu VX-6R and for some reason that frequency and several others are included in the 'marine' pre-programmed frequencies.
I think it is just scanning everything 156-174 Mhz. I would turn off that feature and setup a scanner to scan what you want if it was me.
I'm not sure it will work but see if pressing the [F/W] key followed by [5(SKIP)] while it's stopped on that freq will make it skip it instead of stop on it.