I live 1.81 miles from the Creve Coeur Police department and I also have issues with them my problem is volume . My volume is set at 6 on my 396xt and everbody is loud and clear even on my Moto I have to turn it up to hear them. I do not know if they dispatch from their department which sits in a hole behind city hall.I have tried adjusting my 396xt and 246 to get the same audio level from every frequency but it will not work with CCPD.
Yes, the audio is also low , turning up the scanner just to hear them ruins the whole experience. I suppose it's one way of keeping scanner listeners away .
But seriously it sounds as if their radios are off frequency or in another mode rather than FM . I tried NFM too and that did not help.
Sorry I am late to enter this reply. Yes Creve Coeur sounds terrible to me. Not so much low volume but what sounds like to me to be radios that are all off frequency. They sound distorted to me. Have they gone NB? They sound like I am trying to listen to an old dial up AM/FM radio and I need to turn the dial just a hair to the right and everything will be alright.
Sorry I am late to enter this reply. Yes Creve Coeur sounds terrible to me. Not so much low volume but what sounds like to me to be radios that are all off frequency. They sound distorted to me. Have they gone NB? They sound like I am trying to listen to an old dial up AM/FM radio and I need to turn the dial just a hair to the right and everything will be alright.
Thats what I was thinking, they sound off frequency. Being that they all sound that way, I would think the repeater would have to be the issue and not the radios them self.