Active Member
Changed to dual antennas yesterday (what truckers call co-phase though it’s more accurately called phased).
Emphasis on RX/TX ahead & behind versus wider radius.
View attachment 148751
The Anytone at radio stack center is just that much better again I found. (Quieter RX).
Latest few posts in below. Thread is to define problem in mobile radio, and what remedies avail.
SKIP Problems in Noise Abatement.
The discourtesy of screwing up AM-19. The understood Truckers Channel. Got 39 to 119 other channels before we consider freeband. The thread is not to whine and moan, but to introduce others new to CB how to deal with Skip overwhelming local comms. The exigencies of the road. Your
RF Bond work back underway.
The Q5 responds better to the detailed install work than any radio I’ve previously had in use. From Uniden 880 to President Lincoln II+ or from my collection of Galaxy.
Doesn’t matter what I’ve thrown at it. It chews, swallows, and grows bigger.
My desire is to always run wide open in Squelch & RF Gain for maximum signal capture. I work towards that end.
Did a radio range test the other morning with another big truck driver after the above.
— Switched to BC-645 mic with TXNR @ “2” when Mic held 3” away — squarely-faced — with windows open & passing traffic on both sides at 60-mph was best compromise given Mic Gain at halfway.
— On SSB he was able to hear me without difficulty to (20) miles and we hit (30) as I was leaving the area thru a mountain pass. (He was on valley floor in major metro).
— Given the high audio quality of the DX-901 and the excellent SSB performance of this radio (well beyond average), I was able to dial him in and have him sound very near to “natural”.
— We were both under trailers of the same type, and with tractors of the same spec, then, compass-aligned, generally. (See RF lobe pattern in #58).
As I was gaining altitude relative to his position an advantage was in play. Based on other experience I’d still say that 20-miles mobile-to-mobile shouldn’t be hard across level topography.
— This bodes well for, “Go to company channel” when encountering another from our fleet and wanting more time to ask & answer questions.
Given .75/minute-per-mile travel time, this would mean up to 5-7/minutes of talk time when moving in opposing directions. But typical fleet trucks aren’t with VG radio systems, so time extension is maybe an extra 1-2/minutes over being on AM (where it may be but seconds).
More to come.
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