I was wondering if I could use a usb port cable for my 396. It seems
that I missed placed it some where around the house and I have
not been able to find it? I found one the other day at Comp USA but
I did not purchase it because I wanted to speak to engineering
and computer professionals here first. Plus I need to find serial port
gender bender to put on serial cable that is a db 15 male and db 9
male it seems that this little booger is hard to find. any help as
always will be grately appreciated to the utmost degree.
that I missed placed it some where around the house and I have
not been able to find it? I found one the other day at Comp USA but
I did not purchase it because I wanted to speak to engineering
and computer professionals here first. Plus I need to find serial port
gender bender to put on serial cable that is a db 15 male and db 9
male it seems that this little booger is hard to find. any help as
always will be grately appreciated to the utmost degree.