reception, reception, reception
Well, as it was said before, the first thing you want to do is see if your talkgroup is encrypted, by looking for the ENC icon during a transmission. If the talkgroup is not encrypted, you may want to look at how well you are picking these transmissions up. If you only see one or two bars of power when receiving P-25 transmissions, then you may not have a strong enough signal.
You may want to also check your P-25 threshold. Do this by going into the program menu of the system you want to listen to and scroll down to Edit System Option and select that. Then scroll down to "Adjust P-25 Level". Select that, then select the "Auto" option. This will give the scanner a good place to start to fine tune the reception of the talkgroup. If this does not help, you can adjust this threshold manually. While scanning the system, hold down the func. button while pushing the scroll control button twice. You should see at the botton of the screen a series of numbers. Pay close attention to the number next to the "ERR" If this is above about 50, then try to change the number next to "AUTO" (which should be at about 8) by holding down the Func. while turning the scroll control. See if the number next to ERR gets any lower.
If this does not help then take this into consideration. When you are receiving digital transmissions that are too strong (you may be too close to the tower), it may cause the signal to cut out. If you suspect this is the problem (You have full power on the strength indicator) there is a way to fix this. The 396 has a signal attenuator which will lower the strength of the signal. To activate this go to the menu of the system you are following. When you select your system, scroll down on the main menu of that system until you see "Set attenuator". Select this, then turn the attenuator "On."
Well, I hope this helps

Good luck, and happy scanning.