396 vs psr500

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Jan 4, 2003
los Angeles
So Now that The GRE radios have seasons and now have their second generation of firmware (1.2) How do they compare now?
To here the GRE fan boys talk about the HT it sounds like the second coming.
So what is the reality?
I know for sure the 396 is a fine radio. It isn't perfect but it is certainly the most sophisticated scanner available. Now that the PSR500 has "matured" does it compare?
Anybody done a side by side with the new firmware. anybody have both radios who can give an unbiased opinion?


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
yaesumofo said:
So Now that The GRE radios have seasons and now have their second generation of firmware (1.2) How do they compare now?
To here the GRE fan boys talk about the HT it sounds like the second coming.
So what is the reality?
I know for sure the 396 is a fine radio. It isn't perfect but it is certainly the most sophisticated scanner available. Now that the PSR500 has "matured" does it compare?
Anybody done a side by side with the new firmware. anybody have both radios who can give an unbiased opinion?

I don't currently have a 396, but I had one. It was a great scanner. I personally like how easily it is to navigate around your trunked systems by using the knob on top and keystrokes. I personally think it's more difficult with the PSR.

I've had the PSR-500 for a month or more now. The one big thing I notice is that it has much better sensitivity than the 396 all around. Downside? It gets overloaded by strong signals much easier - front end gets swamped on VHF very very easily for me.

800 mhz trunking - I don't listen to any elaborate systems - I listen to Ohio MARCS (an Astro system) and AEP EDACS (wide) and a Motorola analog simulcast system. The PSR-500 and the BCD396T seem to be comparable on those types of systems. I like monitoring LTR systems better on a PSR-500 since it gathers more info from the datastream and is able teo figure out more about an LTR system than a 396 can/does.

So if you don't live in a high power local RF environment, or if you dont' do much VHF listening, the sensitivity is a huge selling point. It really has awesome sensitivity.

For those people monitoring pure P25 simulcast systems, I've read good reports about the PSR-500.

I find the learning curve of the PSR-500 to be greater. And I don't think I'll ever navigate around all of my systems as easily as i did on the 396.

I wouldn't sell my PSR-500, if that tells you anything. But if I were in the market for another scanner I wouldn't have any qualms about picking up a BCD396T either.



Dec 23, 2007
South Alabama, Gulf Coast
base on the known problems with the current uniden 996T and 396t units and the total lack of response from Uniden to theses problems I would go with the GRE

If I would had done my homework better I would not have purchased The 2 uniden units I have..
I think I will sell them soon and get 2 new GRE units the 500 and the 600.
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Dec 24, 2007
I am sure the PSR-500 is a fine radio. I got the 396T because I wanted a handheld, not a base unit. Haven't had any issues with my Unidens.



Premium Subscriber
Sep 16, 2004
In a valley that only a few know where it is
I monitor a mix of Motorola 800 systems (digital and analog; multi and single site), a couple of EDACS systems, several conventional frequencies and a statewide P-25 VHF system (multi-packet).

I have both a 500 and a 396T and here is my opinion.

On the P-25VHF multipacket system prior to the upgrade the BCD-396t ran circles around the PSR's I have. Since the upgrade the PSR's copy virtually every transmission when compared to the legacy conventional simulcast. (This system is the STARS system in Virginia).

As far as scanning conventional Moto systems, they both perform about the same. Scanning non P-25 digital systems the DSP in the GRE's has always been better. Of course the NAC decode on the PSR is nice.

Milair is the BCD-396T hands down. Although not on par with my PRO-43's or 2042 the PSR is no match for the 396T.

Spectrum sweeper vs. Close Call - Spectrum sweeper is my preference.

The Uniden feels more durable and is a smaller size. The PSR is about the size of a PRO-97 and feels "cheap" to me. In my hand the Uniden feels like it is built better.

I live in an RF rich environment and everyone knows about the loose front ends on the GRE's. I am not too far from the antenna farms for my local television stations and I pay the price for that when trying to scan parts of the VHF spectrum. There is a NWS transmitter less than a mile from me and you can imagine how that is.

I love the multi-site capability of the GRE. I hate it that I have to program the same talk groups over and over on the Uniden. If Uniden would/could do this with the 396T I wish they would make it a reality.

I also don't like the 200 talkgroup limitation of the Uniden. I can put as many talkgroups in a TSYS object as I want to with the PSR but I can only have 32 frequencies. For a statewide system like Ohio MARCS I would like to be able to put talkgroups into the radio once and be able to use that talkgroup with multiple TSYS objects.

I grew up around the Radio Shack/GRE stuff and Uniden/Bearcat was taboo in my parent's house so maybe I carry some of that predjuice with me today. Dad's had a 396T for about a year now and it serves him well; he listens to MARCS daily with it and it is holding up well.

I would not sell either of them but neither one of them are the perfect radio either. They both serve my needs depending on my situation.

With the exception of the sense of sight, hearing and touching no test equipment was used in my findings, this is only my opinion and as always, your mileage may vary.


Edited for grammar
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 26, 2004
Sherman, TX
I bought a PSR-500 mainly for the NAC capability. I received a lot of interference from analog stations on local systems on the same frequency. This cleared that problem up.
The digital sound quality is much improved with the 500 as compared to the 396. I find the sensitivity on the 500 is as good or better than the 396 however I have not had any intermod problems as some have said. In fact I would say its less on the 500. The main thing I miss with the 396 is the size and the 99 scanlists compared to the 20 on the 500. The V folders may make up for this but you have to load these instead of just pushing a button or two on the 396. I would still choose the 500 over the 396 unless I lived in an area where there were no digital systems.


I'm just a listener
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2003
Broken Arrow
Does the GRE Radios handle the monitoring of I-Calls or are they blocked out.


Feb 23, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Hey yaesumofo, good questions. I'm considering getting back into monitoring with one of these two units. Or?

I've just begun my research on what would be best for monitoring in the Los Angeles area, where APCO 25 seems to be in use. Digital scanning is all new to me.

I've owned a BC-100 and a Regency base unit (ages ago) and a little more recently a Radio Shack Pro 90 (20-520) which is apparently also obsolete. :(

BTW, are you the same yaesumofo who is a member over at Candlepower Forum? If so, good to see you here. :)


Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2008
Toronto Canada
I believe it can also do "i-call only" like the Unidens
I havent gotten that far in the manual

Freqed said:
Does the GRE Radios handle the monitoring of I-Calls or are they blocked out.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2008
Toronto Canada
FYI the 500 is a handheld as well, although bigger then the 396
I think you were thinking the 600 which is the handheld/base unit.

That being said this thread has yet to mention the size difference is very noticable between the 2 radios.

delta_p said:
I am sure the PSR-500 is a fine radio. I got the 396T because I wanted a handheld, not a base unit. Haven't had any issues with my Unidens.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2008
Toronto Canada
see even I made the same mistake hehe.. I meant MOBILE/base unit
wish theyd bring back the opertunity to edit your own mistakes/bad typing.

torontokris said:
600 which is the handheld/base unit.


Dec 24, 2007
torontokris said:
see even I made the same mistake hehe.. I meant MOBILE/base unit
wish theyd bring back the opertunity to edit your own mistakes/bad typing.

You had it right the first time.



Dec 13, 2006
El Paso, TX
delta_p said:
I am sure the PSR-500 is a fine radio. I got the 396T because I wanted a handheld, not a base unit. Haven't had any issues with my Unidens.


The PSR-500 is a Hand Held Also. OOPS.... Sorry !!! Missed the next message. -- FOOT IN MOUTH. My bad !!


Sep 21, 2004
I have never had any problems with my Unidens the (5) 996T's that I own and the new 396T.I will always stay with Uniden.I have never seen a GRE product on a assignment desk at any tv station for the assignment editor to monitor.They all have been Unidens.


Mar 15, 2005
Newmarket, NH
I have both PSR500 and 396T.

Build: 396T is better constructed.
Manual programming: PSR500 hands down.
CTCSS, DSC, NAC capture: PSR500
Ease of operation: PSR500
Spectrum sweep: both work well
Intermode rejection: 396T
Memory Capacity: PSR500
Digital processing: both work well
Sensitivity: same with a slight edge toward 396T
Audio: 396T although I apparently have a bad speaker in my PSR500 based on other reports

If I had to choose between the two I'd keep the PSR500. The ease of on the fly programming and the programming flexability alone would make the PSR500 my choice.
I have always been a Uniden fan but this GRE product really impressed me.


Feb 23, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
KB1KBD said:
I have both PSR500 and 396T.

Build: 396T is better constructed.
Manual programming: PSR500 hands down.
CTCSS, DSC, NAC capture: PSR500
Ease of operation: PSR500
Spectrum sweep: both work well
Intermode rejection: 396T
Memory Capacity: PSR500
Digital processing: both work well
Sensitivity: same with a slight edge toward 396T
Audio: 396T although I apparently have a bad speaker in my PSR500 based on other reports

If I had to choose between the two I'd keep the PSR500. The ease of on the fly programming and the programming flexability alone would make the PSR500 my choice.
I have always been a Uniden fan but this GRE product really impressed me.

This is valuable information. I've been searching for impartial reviews from someone who owns both units. I just got back into the hobby with a RS Pro 96 which I'm not totally happy with.

At times the unit will stop on a frequency (digital - APCO 25) and make a buzzing sound which I assume is what is commonly called "motorboating" or "machine gunning" here on RR Forum. I have read that the Uniden 396 is more prone to this digital decoding issue than the PSR-500. My understanding is that this is a digital decoding problem.

Do you have any comment on this?

Also could you explain, "Intermode Rejection?"

And could you please provide a little detail on your comments regarding build quality.

Thank you very much, in advance, for your assistance.



Mar 15, 2005
Newmarket, NH
robo21 said:
At times the unit will stop on a frequency (digital - APCO 25) and make a buzzing sound which I assume is what is commonly called "motorboating" or "machine gunning" here on RR Forum. I have read that the Uniden 396 is more prone to this digital decoding issue than the PSR-500. My understanding is that this is a digital decoding problem.

Do you have any comment on this?

What I call "motorboating" has nothing to do with scanners :) I have not noticed this with either scanner. I do not live close enough to a trunked sys to say it does not do this. 99% of the conventional PD freqs are digital here and it's not a problem for me

robo21 said:
Also could you explain, "Intermode Rejection?"

Sorry that should have been intermod. There is a cell tower within view of my office window. The 396T is seldom bothered by it and when it is the data skip function kicks in. The PSR500 picks up the intermod frequently and does not have the data skip function. If you do not have a strong RF field nearby this shouldn't play into your decision.

robo21 said:
And could you please provide a little detail on your comments regarding build quality.

I wouldn't want to drop either of them but when it happens I think the 396T would survive better. The 500 is half again as big as the 396 but feels half the weight. Also the case on the 500 is slippery.

One other thing about the PSR500 I like is the LED indicator. I have my department frequency set to red. I see the tone coming before I hear it. I set the PD frequency to Blue so I know its my local department without having to look at the LCD.

On the 396T side the fire tone out is a plus. GRE doesn't have it. I use it at night as a backup to my department pager. I have left my pager on vibrate accidently and the 396T has wakened me. It's good to have that around when I am out on a call. My wife is alerted to a second call and doesn't have to wonder why I haven't come home yet.

Both Uniden and GRE allow you to download the owners manuals from their respective websites. I suggest you do that and read through each one. This will give you a feel for how they operate and what the differences are.

Hope this helps.
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