396T config files

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Feb 24, 2001
I am looking for people with config / system files for the 396T in either UASD or ARC396 format to email them to me so I can upload them to my website (www.mywebsfree.com/tanger32au) as a central reference source of the different ways people have the 396T programmed up and to assist people who are just starting out with the 396T to have a good reference base to start from.

If you would like to help out with this then please put them all in to a single zip file and email them to me: NOSPAMpaulgblundell@yahoo.com.au (remove the NOSPAM)

Please include any details you want shared on the website such as what area / systems it covers and anything else.

I am hoping by doing this we can all see different ways people have things programmed and ideas / tricks we may not have thought of.



Apr 6, 2006
Portland, OR
I checked out your site and couldn't help but notice the anti-ham link. I listen to the ham bands all the time and have yet to hear anything remotely close to what you've described; here in the US anyway.

Is it really that bad where you're at?

I hear folks from Australia over IRLP quite a bit and they seem pretty cool.


Feb 24, 2001
Yeah i am a HAM (for the moment) and yes things are that bad over hear.
There seems to be two group of them, ones who are nice and talk to you and the others who don't like you on "their" bands and tell you about it.



Apr 6, 2006
Portland, OR
tanger32au said:
Yeah i am a HAM (for the moment) and yes things are that bad over hear.
There seems to be two group of them, ones who are nice and talk to you and the others who don't like you on "their" bands and tell you about it.


Sorry to hear that things are that bad over there.

The people that are trying to discourage you from operating on certain bands are not operating in the "spirit" of amateur radio nor do they have the right to kick you off those bands. I would file a complaint, as a licensed ham you have just as much right to be out there as they do.


Jan 4, 2003
los Angeles
I have been to your web site and doubt I will ever need to go there again since the data you seek to distribute already exists elsewhere.
There are several excellent "central reference sources" for these files.
Many are available on the 396 yahoo group.
The other thing is that scanning is such a personal thing. For example If I were to upload my Los Angeles area file it would be of little use to you down under. I personally think that the BUTEL Clone file is about the best way to accomplish this since it (the clone software) is free and it allows you to upload the info to the radio and then edit it with the end users software of choice.
The other thing is that these free servers don't have the ability to really hold the volume of information which could end up coming your way. If you were really serious about a project of this nature then I believe that it would be best to procure a proper simple URL like 396files.com or Scanaustralia.com something of that nature and create a website designed to sort and hold files from around the world. The type of site that you have there is simply not designed to do the job.
Have you ever looked at the data base section of the RR site here?
It seems to me that you are trying to duplicate the work which has been done already. Why?
Why not use your time to add to this database instead of making a new one?
The use of the butel software and the radio reference site together more than accomplish your goal in an elegant simple way which is easy to use and can be customized for each individual user.

It seems to me that you need to create a database for people who are down under to go to like we have in the Radio Reference. It wouldn't surprise me one bit the the radio reference people would love to expand the system to include australia and new Zealand and other areas south of the equator. This may be a better direction to go in to accomplish your apparent goal.

I would be happy to send down my files. I just don't think it would do anybody any good since most of this information is easily pulled from the radio reference database.
The best use of your site to somebody from north America is the idea that they could download your sydney file and have it for uploading into their radio if they plan to visit Australia. That would be cool. For me the best way to do that is once again a clone of a 396 which is programmed for Sydney which I can programme into my scanner before I leave.
Maybe you should set up a clone of all of those radios you have there for tourist use.
That would encourage me to bring my scanner with me as well as my dual band hand held amateur radio.
I often talk with people on sydney repeaters using echo link I have found the people to be friendly and interesting.

It seems to me that the scanningtasmania.org site would be a better home for the data you seek.
Good luck with it. I hope that you are able to internationalize the radio reference a bit by including australia and the general area into the radio reference database. That would be cool.


Feb 24, 2001
Thanks for your comments and your right, I have no idea about anything and I might aswell stop trying to do anything that might HELP other people, it is fine and good to have the RR database and I have helped to add in some of the information to it related to the stae wide EDACS system.

I have found that some people don't want to put in the extra effort and are happy to just have a buch of files they can downlaod and use, not every body is like us and wants to learn about how stuff works, they just want it to work.

Yes I agree there are other websites / groups with files on them and that is up to them, all I was trying to do was help people who are starting out with a reference source of files that are ready to go and are known to work.


Feb 24, 2001
If you don't want to help me out thats fine but there is no need to launch an atatck at me when all I am trying to do it HELP people.
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