P25 System... "Slipping"...(?)...
Hi Guys!
Hope someone can offer some suggestions with this issue.
I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The 2 P25 Systems I monitor are a transit system that's simulcast which is on 400 MHZ and our police law enforcement system which is on VHF.
I'm not in the strongest area for receiving the 400 MHZ Simulcast transit system. I found I received it perfectly on my 396T, but on my 396XT I was missing conversations, or only grabbing one side of them. I followed the suggestion in the post above to change the "P25 Adjust Level" to 200 and I started receiving the simulcast system perfectly.
Alas, by doing that I seem to have created a new problem: Now, when the "P25 Adjust Level" is at 200, the VHF police system "Slips" for lack of a better word. It starts scanning and moves on to the next system whenever the P25 is unkeyed during a transmission. It doesn't do it all the time, but often enough that it's annoying. I've checked the system hold time, and even tried increasing it, but it makes no difference. I tried gradually adjusting the P25 adjust level downwards to see if the "Slipping" problem would go away, but I had to practically go back down to 50, which removes the benefit on the 400MHZ simulcast transit system.
Is there a way I can keep the P25 Adjust Level at 200 and get rid of this issue on the VHF system? I didn't want to try adjusting "P25 mode", since I don't know the parameters for that, or anything else without asking for some advice on here first.
Sorry for the long winded post but I wanted to explain my problem clearly. I hope I did... LOL...
Any help appreciated!