wvscanner said:
You could always recorded it and send it to the FCC. I think it is against FCC to be cussing on open public air waves like radio stations or even on 2 way radio's. I thought one day get Bradley Fire Department on that. The chief gets carry away with his mouth as well.
Jeffery Smith
Scanning Beckley
true, but unless it directly affects me or my family, I usually look the other way. that's the case with most everything. exceptions are things that could cause harm to others. it didn't hurt me nor did it offend me. it would take A LOT more then that to offend me. the guy was bored, you could tell he just wanted to go home. he was still an idiot. if the business that he was broadcasting from heard it, they may have not liked it though.
on the other hand, I think it's very unprofessional for a fire, EMS, or law enforcement agency to talk like that on the phone. I don't think people I work with would like me talking like that when I answer the phone. if I personally know then and consider them friends, it may be a little different.
plus, my back is all messed up right now and the thought of getting up again to either connect the scanner to the PC or get a tape recorder was not worth it.