The 470-512 Mhz band is not available for licensing in Ohio. The closest area that could legally use this frequency for a repeater or base station is a 50 mile radius around Pittsburgh, PA.
The 470-512 Mhz band is not available for licensing in Ohio. The closest area that could legally use this frequency for a repeater or base station is a 50 mile radius around Pittsburgh, PA.
HTW (Hi-Tech Wireless) has had 470 Mhz LTR frequencies for years up in Columbiana Co / Mahoning Co vicinity. As recently as January 2010 I confirmed usage and LTR order for a few of the frequencies. One of the frequencies on that particular license was 470.4625, but I had never heard any traffic on it and as such it was never confirmed in use at that LTR site. The license that the HTW frequencies I am referring to were on is an expired license - FCC Callsign WPKB969 Details.
But you may be right that the 470.4625 that the OP was referencing may have been Washington PA.