5950 WRMI Program, Classic Redneck Radio, Program Interrupted
5950khz 2024/06/20 03:51z program interupted, host audio was cut, broadcaster played Fill music until end of time slot.
Radio host was reading an article about a laboratory type facility in Ukraine found by Russians, according to an investigation.
Hosts explained what the facility was used for and how the product is obtained. PROGRAM CUT / Audio Discontinued, strong signal remained.
There are some things in this world that may not be discussed.
5950khz 2024/06/20 03:51z program interupted, host audio was cut, broadcaster played Fill music until end of time slot.
Radio host was reading an article about a laboratory type facility in Ukraine found by Russians, according to an investigation.
Hosts explained what the facility was used for and how the product is obtained. PROGRAM CUT / Audio Discontinued, strong signal remained.
There are some things in this world that may not be discussed.