Yeah, I've heard this too. It was quite the mystery for a time, until someone discovered that it was a feedback loop in a HF relay line that was causing it. This was briefly discussed on the UDXF Yahoo group fairly recently.
Nonetheless, it's eerie....73 Mike
The original discussion of this sort of signal that I'm aware of took place about 15+ years or so ago when I was on WUN or MILCOM & such a signal was on the 8972USB USN Safety of Flight channel pretty much 24-7.
I created, or responded to a posting about the noise indicating it *sounded to me* like an audio loopback -- a receiver on the same freq was somehow causing a transmitter in the same room to key up & thus the audio feedback was modulating the SSB transmitter/exciter.
I spoke with the FCC Watch Officer, who tuned it in, ID'ed the location as Driver, Virginia (the major USN LF/HF transmit site, now a park!) & said it sounded like a "LINCOMPEX" (linked compression & expansion) modulation scheme to him.
I have no idea how the USN could be irresponsible enough to have such an emitter accidently or deliberately on the air for months or years on what was an important voice (non-secure & PARKHILL secure) for them.
That signal sounded quite a bit different than the 6837 emissions, but it has the same basic feel to it.