I've been enjoying 10M this year and I thought I would check out 6M. I checked with the Repeaterbook and it lists 2 FM repeaters in my area (Spring/Houston). One has a status of unknown. The other says K5SOH is active. I programmed in the settings for it and keyed up and nothing came back. I've monitored for a while and heard no activity (no periodic IDs or QSOs). Reasonable people would take that as meaning nothing is there. I know Repeaterbook is only as accurate as the input that is submitted. So, I guess this is a round-about way o asking, is there any 6M activity in the Houston area? Earlier in the summer I heard the usual FT8 activity on 50.313. Now it's gone. That is probably more attributable to propagation. Anyone know of any sort of activity on 6M? I'm not sure if this better served here or in the Texas Radio forum. I didn't see any ham radio stuff there so assumed it would fit better here.