A good example of what's going to be on 700
DJ88 said:
Are you referring to 700 or 800 MHz rebanding? I did a search for 700 MHz rebanding and came up with nothing pertaining to it.
Type in CyrenCall in your browser. I think the address is cyrencall.com, but I'm not positive. One wireless broadband nationwide system on 700 mhz for all public safety, that agencies, federal and municipal, can access for data.
A nationwide network for public safety, using voice, as well as data for in-vehicle fax machines(building prints in the hands of the firemen on the way to the scene), streaming video to and from vehicles, fingerprint readers in the cars, etc. Some munincipalities already have touchless digital video recorders that automatically download the dashcam video to a server when the car get's within a mile or so of the station. Based upon what I see different companies submitting to the FCC for consideration, I think this is where 700 mhz is going, and even though there will be voice on 700, I don't think it's going to be in a form of modulation that your scanner can recieve.