most of your newer scanner models cover that band segment but I have yet to hear any transmissions?!! Nyc doitt users were thought to be using tac channels on a trial basis but didnt catch any?
I'm from Syracuse (born & raised) but moved to West Palm Beach,FL in 2007. I talked to a ham radio friend (via echolink) this evening and asked him about 700 Mhz in and around Central New York and he said to the best of his knowledge that they had the capability but were not using it. The capability is there due to some type of statewide system (not MA/Com)!!!!!!
It hasn't come to fruition yet.... but Ontario County to the West of you is apparently changing fire and ems over to a 700mhz trunked system.
There is apparently quiet a stir about it within the fire department communities down there, due to the high projected cost of the required radio equipment. Some departments are saying they just cannot afford it.
It remains to see what will come of all this. Stay tuned.