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Premium Subscriber
Nov 1, 2016
NE Louisiana
Medlife EMS in Morehouse Parish was a parish only private ambulance service. They sold their coverage area to Pafford to become part of their already large "system". Medlife never operated anywhere other than Morehouse Parish as it was local, and any other service with a similar name is a separate entity.

8161 was used for awhile after using their dispatcher following Pafford radio protocol while the radios were getting switched. Once this was complete, the Morehouse units joined Pafford Ground and Air dispatch ID's just like any other Pafford unit. 8161 sat unused for months so I submitted that it be deleted until someone else started using it. Same with AMR in Ouachita (now Acadian).

I do see 8161 and the old AMR ID's light up sometimes on Unitrunker, however it is always when a Pafford or Acadian unit is changing channels. I assume some radios still have old programming as it would make sense to have bordering EMS providers in their radios. Only channel joins though, never any voice (grants). Therefore with the current evidence that I have seen, and witness every day as I live here and work around the coverage areas, 8161 is not "in use" in North LA. Definatly not be Medlife as they are no longer an existing company and from what I can tell, not by Pafford or Acadian either.

Edit: Wanted to add that Pafford does not work like parish only agencies. They staff the same units in certain areas; but routinely move them around as need be. All units are dispatched on and use the same ID's regardless of who it is and where they are. They treat their coverage area as one big "service area" and ignore parish lines. This comes in handy when trying to follow what one may hear on their channels.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 1, 2016
NE Louisiana
Sorry, one more edit. My first line is not exactly correct. They operated in western Richland Parish also and were replaced by NELA (Northeast Lousiana Ambulance) who already covered most of Richland anyway. Not relevant to this convo but, what I stated about Medlife only operating in Morehouse was wrong. I didn't pay much attention to their coverage because I never ventured out there, so. Easy to forget.
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