My wife bought me this disaster for Christmas. It would not receive weather or conventional frequencies. Sent it to Scannermaster and it worked for them. Got it back and it worked for half a day, then quit. Sent it to Uniden, when it got back, it worked. You turned the squelch down on a conventional frequency and you got noise, just like a normal scanner. It picked up the weather and conventional frequencies just like its supposed to. That unfortunately only lasted one its back to the same old story....locks on a conventional freq, five bars reception, no audio, squelch turned all the way off. The only thing listed on Uniden's repair sheet was a cold solder joint. Of course, that explains nothing. So far, I've sent this garden gnome to Massachusetts to have Scannermaster look at it and it worked for them. Then I sent it to Uniden for repair, got it back, and it worked for a whole day. Since Christmas, the scanner has actually been in my house a grand total of a week. I'm out the money for shipping to Scannermaster and to Uniden and have nothing to show for it but a pretty doorstop. If anyone on this forum has any contstructive ideas, I'm all ears. I've tried everything including resetting the scanner completely and no luck. I honestly think I got a bad unit from Scannermaster. That is not their fault at all, but geez louise this is frustrating!