996T wont hear system

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Booger D.
Mar 14, 2003
I have programmed the scanner several times. I used freescan and I heard the Belmont county ohio system but the p25 sounded like crap. Tried several different settings but no dice. So I got arc996 and tried that , now I can't hear it at all dont know what I am doing wrong.

I am not new to this so I am dumb founded as to why I am not able to figure this out.


before I throw this damn scanner out the window


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Let's confirm that we're talking about this system first;

Belmont County Trunking System, St. Clairsville, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies

Just from this brief description, and without attached files and knowing where you are, it's pretty hard to diagnose it. However, I see a few potential issues here;

a. In ARC996, I suspect you've either got a system setting missing/incorrect or some quick keys aren't turned on

b. This is NOT a P25 system - it's what we sometimes refer to as a mixed mode (analog with digital voice) system. This is very similar to my ex-home system in Anne Arundel county Maryland, which is also Mixed Mode. Set your system type to 'Mot Type II/P25'. You will need to play around with your decode thresholds and APCO mode. This article from our DMA FAQ will help

P25 audio decode level adjustment - The RadioReference Wiki

c. Read the section called 'Optimizing P25 Performance' in the Easier to Read manual. Since this system is rebanded, you need to be running the latest firmware to follow this system correctly. You need to also set up the custom table to get the correct offsets. If you downloaded the data from RR, you should have noticed that the custom table was already set up for you, and the site type likely changed to Custom (which is correct). Many - though not all - have found that the latest firmware does improve decoding performance, but like I said before you're going to need to play around with it. Decoding performance is directly related to the antenna and signal strength - if it's kinda weak or scratchy, it will be poor no matter how you tweak it. A better antenna/coax is called for here.

If you need the most up to date firmware, here is the page in the Uniden TWiki where you can get it. The procedure, frankly, is a pain in the rump - DON'T skip any steps, even if you are tempted to do so...

BCD996TFirmwareUpdate < UnidenMan4 < TWiki

best regards..Mike


Booger D.
Mar 14, 2003
Thanks for the info Mike, iam at my wits end. Didn't realize the process was so involved
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