Hi guys, I'm a little new with my gre 500. I was succesfully able to listen to mixed mode systems and listen to RCMP. I'm confused about all this TSYS TGRP nonsence lol. I created a TSYS and called it Aliant Trunked. Because its the Aliant TMRS for my province. I then created TGRP's that are assigned to this TSYS. Heres where I'm confused. I looked up all the repeater frequencys for different areas and I'd like to enter those in to get better reception and sort of roam throughout different repeaters whilst I travel, I can receive 3 of these towers very clearly but I'm wondering do I have to create a seperate TSYS for each area and program in the respective repeater frequencies? Or can I just program in a bunch under one TSYS and keep the TGRP's assigned to just one TSYS. I really hope im not confusing anyone.