Now here's a bit of light reading for you - the ALRS used to be a single volume of coast radio stations way back in the 60's when I was at sea - now it appears to be 7 volumes of everything you wanted to know worldwide.
Quite expensive, US$85 per volume but you get free updates on line weekly so once you have one volume you never have to buy another!
You can get them in the US from here...
...and that web site has examples of what you can see in each volume. Of course you wouldn't buy the world but one for your area will be very good reference material.
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
Maritime radio communications information worldwide for ongoing safety, security and compliance. Information ranges from Maritime Radio Station listings to Maritime Safety Information Services
Quite expensive, US$85 per volume but you get free updates on line weekly so once you have one volume you never have to buy another!
You can get them in the US from here...
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals | ADMIRALTY Publications | UKHO
The ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals series provides comprehensive information on all aspects of Maritime Radio Communications.
...and that web site has examples of what you can see in each volume. Of course you wouldn't buy the world but one for your area will be very good reference material.