What about at Fireground? Kinda hard to run "on-scene" fire ops via laptop.
We have not had a fireground fire that I am aware of in my area since I've had the scanner for a month. I'm not monitoring the big city fire ops only my suburb and I've only heard the following senerios:
Numbers are made up, I don't remember them.
"Engine group 12 is active on the call going to channel 2" (now I hear outside the fire house 5 major blocks down the road fire up the engine siren) DAT....DAT...DAT.. 10-4 "Now on Channel 2 in-route" ...DAT..DAT..DAT..Wait...
I hear the engines honk-honk-BLAIR-HONK-Honk-honk 3 blocks down the main road as they pass though the major intersection. "EMS will meet you engine 12".... "10-4"... DAT...Wait... I hear the sirens and honks fade into the distance outside.
That will be the end of it. If I also open up the County EMS freqs "I will hear them radio the hospital that they have 85 over 55 pressure, giving IV now" Since they followed the FD group to the home someone was fainting at. But I don't want to listen to all that EMS all over the county. I was only interested in what and where the engines where going to simply for local situational awareness.
The issue or reason engine 12 was leaving the firehouse, and where they were going is never talked about "generally". Once in a while the folks say things buts its rare.
Even worse is the technicle voice issues I am having with this Lucas County TRA talk group and how my 996XT is decoding them.
The longer the folks talk on voice, the higher the P25 error bar graph climbs in the freescan Monitoring tool. Once the error rate climbs past 1/2 the voices are garbled and then about 3/4 error rate on the bar graph the voices are pure junk and cut out.
Ironically my burb's Dispach is the loudest like another thread mentions, and is the worst with error rate; she errors out in garbled speak in about 6 secs or less; but she generally is not on the air for more the 4 secs at at time.
PD is like "Unit 12 to dispatch" she responds "Unit 12" in an affirmative voice. Unit 12 says "I have the Lady she is ok outside the house"..DAT...DAT..DAT "10-4" she says.
Or the other way around she says "Unit 6".....DAT...DAT...DAT...DAT..DAT... she might say "Unit 6" a second time.. Unit six gets in his car at the speedway down the street,looks at his screen and says one of two things:
1) "Got it on my way" ..DAT...DAT..DAT.. and she says "10-4".
2) Can you pass on to unit 86, I'm [garble] up at the trailer court [garble] with" he un-keys then ..DAT...DAT..DAT...
and she says "[garble]K pass [garble] to [garble]6"... DAT DAT DAT..wait..wait.. she keys up "[garble]it 86?"
Again no idea what unit 6 was called on to do, or what he was tied up at the trailer court with
Notice part of the word unit 86 suffered a P25 error cut out and only heard the 6 part in her reply.
Single strength is 5 bars at all times.
One weekend night I'm going to record a evenings activities into a mp3 file and post it.