In case anybody isn't following the other thread about this system, the AEP/PSO EDACS system is being replaced by a P25 phase II system.
This system covers southwest OK and eastern OK.
The EDACS system in SW OK appears to be gone now.
There are not yet any talkgroups in the database.
Poeple with P25 Phase II capability need to find and submit talkgroups.
I don't have phase II so I can't verify talkgroups names or use.
A partial list of the talkroups and the sites they appeared on is in the wiki:
DB entry for this system:
The other thread about the whole multi-state system:
This system covers southwest OK and eastern OK.
The EDACS system in SW OK appears to be gone now.
There are not yet any talkgroups in the database.
Poeple with P25 Phase II capability need to find and submit talkgroups.
I don't have phase II so I can't verify talkgroups names or use.
A partial list of the talkroups and the sites they appeared on is in the wiki:
DB entry for this system:
American Electric Power (AEP) P25 Trunking System, Various, Multi-State
American Electric Power (AEP) P25 Trunking System Profile
The other thread about the whole multi-state system:
American Electric Power (AEP) P25 WACN 92715
All, I've seen recent news reports that AEP may be migrating to a P25 system. And today, I’m picking up a P25 control channel on 857.8125 which is licensed to AEP at a variety of sites. WACN 92715, Sys ID 1FA. The oddball WACN definitely points at Harris, and I know AEP has had a long-term...