What airport are you close to? I'm right by Midway and have all the ground operations frequencies programmed in for Southwest, AirTran, ATA, Signature, Atlantic Aviation. They all use VHF-Air frequencies to comunicate between Flight Crew-Ground Operations. Once the crew makes notifications, they then contact Ramp Supervisors, Baggage handlers etc. via UHF repeatered frequencies. Southwest has 5 channels assigned specifically. They usually announce "742 is in range for Bravo 15" as an example. Once they hit the ground and the Fight crew advises Ground Operations that their on the ground, then they make the announcement on all 5 of their UHF frequencies "742 is o nthe ground for Bravo 15". If you're by O'Hare , their is another list up there as well. Having knowledge of the airport in question helps out as well.