They have actually been using West Public Safety as there primary dispatch since NPD11 is down (NGL VERY annoying when we have to switch to south public safety or AC Regional since we can’t use West PS right now)
I hear North Public Safety is down too (hence why NPD 11 is using West PS) anyone in the north able to confirm this.
They have actually been using West Public Safety as there primary dispatch since NPD11 is down (NGL VERY annoying when we have to switch to south public safety or AC Regional since we can’t use West PS right now)
I hear North Public Safety is down too (hence why NPD 11 is using West PS) anyone in the north able to confirm this.
They have actually been using West Public Safety as there primary dispatch since NPD11 is down (NGL VERY annoying when we have to switch to south public safety or AC Regional since we can’t use West PS right now)
I hear North Public Safety is down too (hence why NPD 11 is using West PS) anyone in the north able to confirm this.