890-960 MHz 11 dBi High-Quality 900MHz Omni Antenna
890-960 MHz 11 dBi High-Quality 900MHz Omni Antenna

I'm currently using a Comet KP-20 for ATCS (railroad control signal) reception. Recently Union Pacific upgrade their system in this area to a much higher baud rate and because of this a much higher S/N ratio is required to decode the needed signals. Decoding that was rock solid before now has quite a few errors.
In another post by prcguy he posted a sweep of a KP-20 with less than great performance. I'm receiving signals from 896-953MHz, and the Comet only claims performance from 900-930MHz.
Just curious if anyone has tried this antenna or one by this company?
If you want to see the sweep of the KP-20 here is the post.

800 antenna to supplement a Discone
A lot of people are looking for the Holy Grail of antennas to cover everything but it hasn't been found yet. I am a big fan of the Discone for VHF/UHF over the VHF air band through 512MHz where the common size scanner types do very well. Above that range their pattern shifts upward and they...