The following channels have been confirmed as partially encrypted (De):
41000 Anderson County SD Channel 1
41001 Anderson County SD Channel 2
41002 Anderson County SD Channel 3
I have been noticing an increasing transition to encryption on these channels over the last couple of months.
This week, I estimate more than 50% of the transmission are now encrypted.
Dispatch is still mostly still in the clear, but more and more of the responses have been encrypted.
This change is not obvious on newer Uniden scanners (436, 536, SDS) which skip over encrypted transmissions.
However, most of the older scanners (296, 396, 796, 996) don't skip encryptions. That's how I discovered this gradual change.
I guess that soon these channels will be fully encrypted (DE).
Brian, can you make the revisions in the DB?
41000 Anderson County SD Channel 1
41001 Anderson County SD Channel 2
41002 Anderson County SD Channel 3
I have been noticing an increasing transition to encryption on these channels over the last couple of months.
This week, I estimate more than 50% of the transmission are now encrypted.
Dispatch is still mostly still in the clear, but more and more of the responses have been encrypted.
This change is not obvious on newer Uniden scanners (436, 536, SDS) which skip over encrypted transmissions.
However, most of the older scanners (296, 396, 796, 996) don't skip encryptions. That's how I discovered this gradual change.
I guess that soon these channels will be fully encrypted (DE).
Brian, can you make the revisions in the DB?