Hey guys just wanted to share some troubles iv run into.
So very quick run down of my setup, i took the advice i got from a earlier post and got a random wire antenna of about 100+ 18 gauge wire now fed with roughly 100ft run of coax (thats buried underground) with choke inline that runs to my airspy hf+ discovery inside the house. Performance is really good, but a couple of safety concerns have come to mind that jeopardize the entire thing.
What i'm worrying about is antenna static build up and lighting strikes. I hear all thats needed (for static dissipation) is a high voltage rated 1 mega ohm resistor shorted across coax shield and center... but i supose it all needs to go somewhere...like..ground? thats my other problem...i cant do that right now...
I really cant shell out the time and money to acquire and install the heavy gauge wire and copper ground rods needed to create a proper code correct ground that's bonded with the house ground. My homes ground rod is at the other end of the house and will not be trivial for me to reach. So... am i basically screwed? do i have no way of safely dissipating the static buildup and protecting my home from lightning strikes near my antenna? If i disconnect my sdr and antenna before a storm will that be sufficient or is a code correct ground really a 100% must. If i place a ground rod near the antenna and ground it there will that just make things worse? I don't want to accidentally burn my house down and destroy my equipment just because i want my SWL hobby.
So very quick run down of my setup, i took the advice i got from a earlier post and got a random wire antenna of about 100+ 18 gauge wire now fed with roughly 100ft run of coax (thats buried underground) with choke inline that runs to my airspy hf+ discovery inside the house. Performance is really good, but a couple of safety concerns have come to mind that jeopardize the entire thing.
What i'm worrying about is antenna static build up and lighting strikes. I hear all thats needed (for static dissipation) is a high voltage rated 1 mega ohm resistor shorted across coax shield and center... but i supose it all needs to go somewhere...like..ground? thats my other problem...i cant do that right now...
I really cant shell out the time and money to acquire and install the heavy gauge wire and copper ground rods needed to create a proper code correct ground that's bonded with the house ground. My homes ground rod is at the other end of the house and will not be trivial for me to reach. So... am i basically screwed? do i have no way of safely dissipating the static buildup and protecting my home from lightning strikes near my antenna? If i disconnect my sdr and antenna before a storm will that be sufficient or is a code correct ground really a 100% must. If i place a ground rod near the antenna and ground it there will that just make things worse? I don't want to accidentally burn my house down and destroy my equipment just because i want my SWL hobby.