Antenna Post?

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Dec 19, 2002
Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida
Hi all..I was just wondering why you couldn't use PVC pipe for the pole that holds the antenna? As long as you have the guide wires in the correct place to hold it stiff. Right now I'm renting the place where I live and just trying the new antenna out. I had about 12' of one and one-quarter" pvc pipe laying around so decide to try this. I drove 1" pvc about 2' long into the ground leaving half of that sticking out and then I slipped the larger 12' piece over the 1" to hold the bottom of the pole in the ground. At the top I put another 1" piece about a foot long into the 1 1/4" to hold the antenna. I am using 1/8" cord for the guide wires and have been listening to my PRO-96 scanner all day with no problems. This is not a permament setup but it works. I was just wondering because with this setup One could take it camping with them and have a quick setup to listen to the scanner with a better antenna. What is the pitfalls about using pvc pipe for a temp situtation?..Cheers..Keithmj


Sep 15, 2004
Meade co Ky.
This type setup is fine for temporary use especially on lighter weight antennas. With slight variations could be used in several locations. But if you intend to use it for more than 4 months or so a more permanent setup would be better as the small cord guys may start to rot and pvc weakens over time when exposed to the outside. And I would suggest running a ground wire down the pipe from the antenna clamp to a metal stake driven in the ground a couple feet.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi Kieth and all,

You remind me of Field Day coming up next month. As the name implies hams set up in the field and operate for a 24 hour period making as many contacts as they can. The one with the most wins, usually a club naturally, the more transmitters the merrier. It's a great sort of contest where we hone our emergency communications skills and demonstrate them to the public.

We use every sort of temporary setup imaginable and I have seen everything from the mundane to some of the wildest antenna structures you can imagine. My favorite is a 40' aluminium ladder toped with a huge Yagi and an American flag suitable for the pole atop the White House hanging from it. Well that's to be expected from K2VOA, Kilowatt 2 Voice Of America.

Go with the PVC and some clothesline rope, your camp(ing) idea sounds great to me. Don't worry about grounding, as the storm approaced a few years ago coax came flying out of tents and RVs like mad snakes. Now did you notice the pun?
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