I think you guys are missing the point. The person doing the testing clearly states that this isn't scientific. As far as reviewing a product, i don't really know any other way than by simply trying it out and seeing how well it works. Sure there are 1000's of variables and all this other nonsense, too bad no one else has even bothered to do those scientific experiments to show which antennas are good and which ones are bad. We all don't live in the same place so the scientific experiments are probably worthless anyway. The point is that if something works well for a million other people, it "probably" will work well for you too. And not only that, but how many people seriously look at the weather, the atmospheric conditions, and all the other nonsense i have no clue about and then say well... based on these conditions for this given day, plus the lay of the terrain, and the strength of the yen, i think i'll use this antenna today, but i'll switch to this other one tomorrow.
As far as criticizing a company. What do we do everyday? We get on this forum and ask which antenna is best? or how does this antenna perform? Every post on here is either directly or indirectly saying that antenna A is good and Antenna B isn't so good, Antenna C just plain sucks. Just because a person doesn't have a website showing people what their own personal experience was with a given product doesn't mean we all don't promote and discourage people from buying things all the time.
I'll also add that in the link i posted, he mentions the Diamond and RS 800mhz as being top performers.... how many people have recommended those antennasin the last 6 months. Hundreds.... so his tests aren't scientific.. big deal, a whole lot of people are coincidentally having good results with the antennas he recommends.