Hi Eric, for portable use I'm using the RadioShack 800MHz antenna with a SMA "L" connector so the antenna will orient vertically rather than horizontal to the radio.
It still does a good job on VHF & UHF as well too.
Mike: I have a general idea of where you are in the city, I have a few questions if I may:
1) You bought the antenna at Radio Shack? I guess in the Falls or Barfalo?
2) What is the porduct # and how much if I may?
3) Since I know where you are in the NW, How much better is it than the antenna it came with? How much does it help with Fleetnet, can you get Mowat or Brittania for your home (do you face the city or 905?)
4) I am line of sight with Charlton but Iive in a brick and steel apartment slab and in some rooms I have troubles getting our regions EDACS system even though the tower is probably just a few miles away.
Thanks Mike