Anti-Piracy Windows 7 Phones Home, Prepare for more MS Spyware

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The Third Variable
Dec 24, 2004
NC Iowa
Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Anti-Piracy Windows 7 Update Phones Home Quarterly

Lauren Weinstein's Blog: Who Owns Your PC? New Anti-Piracy Windows 7 Update "Phones Home" to Microsoft Every 90 Days

Imagine that you're sitting quietly in your living-room at your PC, perhaps watching YouTube. Suddenly, a pair of big, burly guys barge into your house and demand that you let them check your computer to make sure that it's "genuine" and not running pirated software. You protest that you bought it fair and square, but they're insistent -- so you give in and let them proceed.

Even though you insist that you bought your laptop from the retail computer store down the street many months ago, and didn't install any pirate software, the visitors declare that your computer "isn't genuine" according to their latest pirated systems lists, and they say that "while we'll let you keep using it, we're modified your system so that it will constantly nag in your face until you pay up for a legit system!" And they head out the door to drop in on the eBay-loving grandmother next door.

You then notice that the wallpaper on your PC has turned black, and these strange notifications keep popping up urging you to "come clean."


Well, uh, actually no.


Jul 25, 2004
OK, let's move this from the computer world to the auto world.

Imagine that you're sitting quietly in your living-room at your PC, perhaps watching YouTube. Suddenly, a pair of police officers knock on your door and demand that you let them check your car to make sure that it's not stolen. You protest that you bought it fair and square, but they're insistent -- so you give in and let them proceed.

Even though you insist that you bought your car from the guy down the street many months ago, and didn't steal it, the police declare that your car "is stolen" according to their latest NCIC list, and they tow it away as evidence.

The coorelation here is if you buy a car from a less than reputible place, it may be stolen and you may be at least have a chance to loose what you paid for it (and may even be charged with position of stolen property). You buy your computer from a less than reputible place that installed pirated software (or knowingly install the pirated software yourself), you may eventually have it shut down by the owner of the software.

If you legally purchased the car (or software, either directly or indirectly with the computer) and it's later discovered to be stolen, you can work with the police (or Microsoft) and present your evidence. It may be that a mistake was made and your car returned or software reactivated (and the necessary entries changed to prevent a repeat) or prove that you're an innocent victim of another's theft.

Your cooperation may provide you with some benifits, such as partial reimbursement for what you paid for the car (assuming that the court can get a conviction and recover enough funds) or the ability to purchase legit copies of the software for less than you'd otherwise have to pay (which Microsoft has done for those that were caught by the "Microsoft Genuine Advantage" program).

From Microsoft here --> Genuine Microsoft Software
Q:What are the details of the genuine Windows offer?A:To help customers who unknowingly purchased a counterfeit version of Windows XP, Microsoft has created two genuine Windows offers for those who qualify:

■Complimentary offer: Microsoft will make a complimentary copy of Windows XP available to customers who have been sold counterfeit Windows. Customers will be required to submit a proof of purchase, the counterfeit CD, and a counterfeit report with details of their purchase. Only high-quality counterfeit Windows will qualify for the complimentary offer.
■Electronic License Key Offer: Microsoft will offer an alternative for customers who find out via the WGA validation process that they are not running genuine Windows, but do not qualify for, or choose not to take advantage of, the complimentary offer. These customers will be able to license a Windows Genuine Advantage Kit for Windows XP directly from Microsoft for a special on-line purchase price. The Windows Genuine Advantage Kit for Windows XP will include a new 25-character Product Key and a Windows Product Key Update tool that will allow customers to convert their counterfeit copy to genuine Windows XP electronically.


Well Known Member
Database Admin
Jul 3, 2003
It's a 100% voluntary update. You can choose to not install the WAT update, but can continue to update and install all the others. Microsoft is not forcing this update on end users, I don't really see the big deal about it.

I’d like to stress that the Update is voluntary, which means that you can choose not to install it when you see it appear on Windows Update. I also want to stress that installing this update will not jeopardize your privacy; although the update contacts Microsoft’s servers to check for new threats as I outline below, the information we receive from PCs during these checks does not include any personally identifiable information or any other information that Microsoft can use to identify or contact you
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Aug 31, 2006
Portland, Oregon

It depends on whether you have auto-updates set to install updates automatically. Sometimes this update can be rolled out without your knowledge. Personally I always screen which updates I am installing onto my computers.

I know that in the past Microsoft has required WGA to be installed on person's computer to be able to actively go to to be able to install extended components, such as updated hardware drivers, etc. Otherwise you only get taskbar notification that some updates are ready to install.


Well Known Member
Database Admin
Jul 3, 2003
It depends on whether you have auto-updates set to install updates automatically. Sometimes this update can be rolled out without your knowledge.

If one has updates set to automatically download and install, then it's hardly without ones knowledge they are being downloaded and installed without being prompted.


Dec 27, 2004
more enough reasons why i keep my hard copy of my receipts when i purchase a MS Product! something like this pops up, i have irrefutable PROOF that i purchased my LEGIT copy of their products. and i keep this stuff in my triple lock gunsafe!!


Mar 12, 2004
It depends on whether you have auto-updates set to install updates automatically. Sometimes this update can be rolled out without your knowledge. Personally I always screen which updates I am installing onto my computers.

I know that in the past Microsoft has required WGA to be installed on person's computer to be able to actively go to to be able to install extended components, such as updated hardware drivers, etc. Otherwise you only get taskbar notification that some updates are ready to install.

I just got Windows 7 and I do not plan to do any updates unless I have a problem.
I ran XP for many years, NEVER did any updates and never had a problem.
I go by the old adage, "If it ain't broke - don't fix it". :)


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
I just caught this thread & story yesterday. I have Windows 7 automatically accepting and installing updates.

Last night I checked my update history. I had not received this update yet.

I had the computer on this morning, and saw the little "shield" on the Shut Down button, indicating that new updates were available. So I went right to Windows Update, and sure enough, the update was there in the "incoming" batch.

BUT - it was not checked by default; it was listed as an optional update, which will not install until you explicitly check it. The rest of the incoming updates were all checked. I thought that was interesting...


Yes, it seems that MS has made "Genuine Advantage" has become a non-default update most of the time.

Maybe it is a reaction to the bad press, or maybe they have just learned better when it is needed.


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Maybe it is a reaction to the bad press
That was exactly my first (reactionary) thought.

Although I re-read one of the articles above, and it was "speculated" that it would be an "important" update (it is not).

So the important thing to remember is: just because it's a Windows Update doesn't mean it'll actually be installed on your system.


It is actually a unique download, since it is in the "Important" category, but is unchecked by default.
At first I thought it was just one of those downloads that had to be installed individually.


Dec 3, 2004
Homer Georgia
I got bit by it last weekend because when I installed my W7 Premium upgrade from Vista Ultimate had issues getting it to install and did a work around (reg hack) that I had saw posted on the net that came from someone saying a MS tech had him do it when a issue came up when he was trying to install

Needless to say turned it on that day and got amessage saying my installation was not valid. I was like wtf! Got thinking and seen W7 had did a update and saw what ther update was and figured out it had to be due to the reg hack so went ahead and formatted, found a old xp disk laying around and installed it then W7.

Everyone should be used to MS phoning home as its been doing it for years...


Premium Subscriber
Mar 26, 2009
South Dacono, CO
I have one question: why?

If i want a pirated copy of any freaking version of windows, I am going to get it.

Just search "windows" on the PB.

The people that want pirated copies WILL get pirated copies.

The people that don't or can't, WON'T.

Am I wrong in saying this?


I have one question: why?

If i want a pirated copy of any freaking version of windows, I am going to get it.

Just search "windows" on the PB.

The people that want pirated copies WILL get pirated copies.

The people that don't or can't, WON'T.

Am I wrong in saying this?
Nope, not wrong, just stopping a step or two short.

The easier it is the more pirated copies,
And the more common pirated copies the more people "feel" it is not an issue.

But it is an issue, so you make it hard enough to keep the THEFT to a reasonable level.


I let it install on all my computers... Why? I have legit copies, i bought them, and i have nothing to hide. So why worry? Don't doom and gloom me.... This is hardly new. Its been around since XP. And you even have to install WGA on older operating systems like XP and 2k to install the latest browser or media player, etc..

If your legal then dont sweat it.
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